Thursday, July 13, 2023

Digging out the potentiality of students

Leeza Tandukar and Lasata Maharjan

28 May 2023, Kirtipur

Extra-curricular activity clubs are helping the students of Creative Academy to dig out their latent potentiality. 14 clubs are engaged in such activities, says school administration. Most of the clubs’ mentors are from outside the school which are supported by school teachers. 

Every club has its own motive and their name were given regarding their role: gurukul club, movie club, arts club, scrabble club, astronomy club, literature club, robotics club, python club, eco club, media club, public speaking club, debate club, chess club and drama club.

According to Saurav Singha Chaudhary, mentor of the Gurukul club, the main objective of the club is to help students  gain behavioral skills. “We  have discussed real life problems among students and their innovative solutions and done some research as well”, he said.

Binod Khatiwada, the mentor of Movie club explained the objective of club which is to make movies, documentaries and writing scripts. He said, “Students have learned shot size, how to write script and learned basic ideas of script writing.”

According to Sajan Waiba, the mentor of Arts club, the objective of this club is to improve the art skills of students. “Students have learned about still life drawing, form 4 and elements of arts”, he explained.

Similarly, Scrabble club is developing the skill of scrabble players, as told by Sarala Bhujel, the mentor. “The objective of this club is to develop international scrabble players from this school”, she argued, “students have set the school's annual academic calendar, made rules for the club, played games and many more.”

Astronomy club is helping students to operate different astronomical instruments and learn about astronomy workshops. According to Manisha Dwa, the mentor, the objective of this club is to teach students how to operate different astronomical instruments and learn astronomy workshop. “Students have done presentation and hands-on activities, constellation view, solar wind themes, planisphere, telescope and phases of the moon”, Dwa said.

Literature club under the mentorship of  Krishnadev Singdile  is developing reading and writing culture among the students as well as teachers. He explained, ”The objective of this club is to teach students about reading a memoir. He added, “Students have done yoga (Kamalasan) and also explored their horizon of literary knowledge."

The objective of the Robotics club is to teach the students a little about Robot Engineering. “Students are doing the activities like conducting an insulator test, making a motorboard, making a doorbell system, playing games and making a remote control car”, said Kenij Maharjan, the mentor.

According to Saurav Gyawali, the mentor of the Python club students have created an "Accounten Codester" a software programme . “Students also have made a project called ‘random number guesser’, Gyawali said, “They have made snowflake game and learned about loops, variables, etc.”

The objective of Eco club is to work in the field of environmental conservation and protection of resources as stated by Subodh Bhatta, the mentor. “Participants of the club have designed the logo and annual plan for their club”, Bhatta said, “they have classified plants present in our school premises in different categories based on their nature.”

Similarly, students of Media Club are learning to write news and developing public speaking, according to Kusum Shrestha, one of the mentors of the club. “The objective of this club is to make students sort of journalist”, said Kusum Waiba, another mentor, “Students have developed the news sense in them and learned the ways to present it in the form of the news."

Hemanta Wagle, the mentor of Public Speaking Club clarified the objective of the club. According to him, the club aims to train students on public speaking and develop rhetorical skills in them. “Students have learned about types of public speaking and discussed what to do”, Wagle said.

Members of Debate Club are learning the different patterns and formats of debate that encompasses and promote their ability and skill of critical thinking and argumentation as stated by Piyush Murarka who is mentoring the club and its members.

"The Chess Club is aimed at making students the chess player and enhance their intellectual growth," said Manbahadur Sunar, the supporting mentor of the club.

Likewise, Drama Club is functioning under the mentorship and supervision of Suraj Tamu. He informed us that children have read a chart related to drama and learned how to act in past , present and future situations. They have even played games relating to drama. The objective of this club is to make them see a situation from different perspectives as mentioned by him.

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