Thursday, August 17, 2023

Nonviolent Communication Training Sessions Scheduled for Teachers and CRs/DERs

By Slesha Shiwakoti

July 16, 2023

In an effort to promote peaceful and effective communication within the school, a series of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) training sessions have been conducted for teachers, as well as Class Representatives (CRs) and Directly Elected Representatives(DERs). According to Khagendra Gautam, one of the founders of the school, the training sessions aim to equip the leaders with the necessary skills to resolve conflicts and foster harmonious relationships in their respective roles.

The first set of NVC training sessions was scheduled exclusively for teachers and had taken place on Jestha 27 and 28. The sessions were held at the school and focused on equipping teachers with effective strategies for implementing nonviolent communication techniques in their classrooms. The Level Incharge of the school, Parshuram Khanal believes that the training will help teachers build stronger connections with their students, resolve conflicts peacefully, and create a more positive learning environment. 

    Following the success of the initial sessions for teachers, a second round of training commenced on Jestha 28. This time, the focus was shifted to Class Representatives (CRs) and Directly Elected Representatives (DERs). These individuals play a vital role in student welfare and act as liaisons between students and faculty members. The NVC training sessions for CRs and DERs will span seven days, starting from July 24 (Asadh 24) and concluding on August 1 (Shrawan 1).

    According to Khagendra Gautam, the extended duration of the training for CRs and DERs reflects the importance placed on developing their communication skills in resolving student grievances and fostering a supportive environment within academic departments. Participants will engage in a variety of interactive workshops, role-plays, and case studies to better understand the principles and application of nonviolent communication.

    The training sessions were and will be facilitated by experienced communication expert Sri Ram Timilsina, who has an extensive background in NVC and conflict resolution. He assures us that he will guide participants through various scenarios and provide them with practical tools and techniques to enhance their communication skills.

    The initiative to provide NVC training to teachers, CRs, and DERs is part of a larger effort to promote peaceful dialogue and conflict resolution within the school. By equipping educators and key student representatives with these essential skills, the hope is to create a more empathetic and understanding environment where students can thrive academically and emotionally.

    The Prime Minister of the Creative Model State, Ansu Maharjan, shared her experience as “ Participating in nonviolent communication training has been transformative, equipping me with valuable tools to enhance my communication skills and cultivate empathy. Through self-awareness and active listening, I've gained confidence in connecting with others and resolving conflicts with understanding.”    

    As the world evolves, the need for effective communication becomes increasingly important. By investing in nonviolent communication training, schools and universities are taking a proactive step towards creating a culture of empathy and respect within their educational communities.

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